OCtober 17th 12:03 pm.....
I'm currently baking cupcakes to sell for a $1. My bro's football team asked us to sell tix for $20 each to raise $200 but who honestly would want to buy a raffle ticket for $20?
So we have to pay the money no matter what. So we came up with the idea of selling cupcakes. We're crossing our fingers.
Good news is, i got my phone back. The company decided to work with me. THey asked me to pay $250 and they will bring my balance to zero so i dnt have to pay the $800. I'm just going to have to cancel one of the lines and get Metro. Also, my dad got another job! So right now he's juggling 3 jobs. But he's happy so that's all that counts.
Bad news, my dad's other brother died. Just 2 weeks ago his sister died. I hope he feels ok. What worries me is that my aunt helped him when he needed it. WHen he didn't have a job and needed to eat, she fed him. I'm worried that he will end up the same and this time he has no one to help him out
Tattoo biz is slow. waaaay tooo slow. Not good.
My job is going downhill. Stupid doctor is giving me attitude and is being really rude. She cut my hours again and is giving that place 3 months to pick up or she'll close it down. Little does she know that this all happened because of her. She's never on time, never answers her phone, never returns calls and so on and so fourth. How the fuck does she expect for people to want to go to her if she's not giving them the attention she promised? She's really starting to piss me off. I do everything there because i'm the only one working there and she treats me like shit. I dnt get a lunch, i dnt get a break, i dnt get sick days, i dnt get vacation time, no benefits and she expects me to put up with her shit?! sHE'S stupid!
Yesterday at work it was really stressful and busy. Patients giving me a hard time, yelling, demanding, babies crying, tight schedule, shipping, calling, billing, filing, coping and in the end, dumb bitch calls me into the office to bitch about messages that she took that were meant for me. She was like, "i dnt need to know this, this is something you can take care of" and throws the memo on the desk.
If i do, and i hope its soon but i doubt, i will find a better job and i will show up to the office as though i'm going to work and tell her i quit on the spot. I'd like to see her handle all that chaos on her own.
I haven't cashed my check because there are no funds in the damn account. Where the fuck is she spending the company money?!
Well, its saturday. I just want to sit and relax but i can't. Sis needs to run erands and i'm her ride. I need to go out and sell the cupcakes. Got to go pay some bills. Come back home, cook and head off to my bro's football game.
I'm currently baking cupcakes to sell for a $1. My bro's football team asked us to sell tix for $20 each to raise $200 but who honestly would want to buy a raffle ticket for $20?
So we have to pay the money no matter what. So we came up with the idea of selling cupcakes. We're crossing our fingers.
Good news is, i got my phone back. The company decided to work with me. THey asked me to pay $250 and they will bring my balance to zero so i dnt have to pay the $800. I'm just going to have to cancel one of the lines and get Metro. Also, my dad got another job! So right now he's juggling 3 jobs. But he's happy so that's all that counts.
Bad news, my dad's other brother died. Just 2 weeks ago his sister died. I hope he feels ok. What worries me is that my aunt helped him when he needed it. WHen he didn't have a job and needed to eat, she fed him. I'm worried that he will end up the same and this time he has no one to help him out

Tattoo biz is slow. waaaay tooo slow. Not good.
My job is going downhill. Stupid doctor is giving me attitude and is being really rude. She cut my hours again and is giving that place 3 months to pick up or she'll close it down. Little does she know that this all happened because of her. She's never on time, never answers her phone, never returns calls and so on and so fourth. How the fuck does she expect for people to want to go to her if she's not giving them the attention she promised? She's really starting to piss me off. I do everything there because i'm the only one working there and she treats me like shit. I dnt get a lunch, i dnt get a break, i dnt get sick days, i dnt get vacation time, no benefits and she expects me to put up with her shit?! sHE'S stupid!
Yesterday at work it was really stressful and busy. Patients giving me a hard time, yelling, demanding, babies crying, tight schedule, shipping, calling, billing, filing, coping and in the end, dumb bitch calls me into the office to bitch about messages that she took that were meant for me. She was like, "i dnt need to know this, this is something you can take care of" and throws the memo on the desk.
If i do, and i hope its soon but i doubt, i will find a better job and i will show up to the office as though i'm going to work and tell her i quit on the spot. I'd like to see her handle all that chaos on her own.
I haven't cashed my check because there are no funds in the damn account. Where the fuck is she spending the company money?!
Well, its saturday. I just want to sit and relax but i can't. Sis needs to run erands and i'm her ride. I need to go out and sell the cupcakes. Got to go pay some bills. Come back home, cook and head off to my bro's football game.

Well that is great, Im glad your phone company is working with you, that is very nice of them.
Wow your dad is tuff, I dont think I could even work 2 jobs, unless I really liked them.
Im so sorry, your dad may need to have some one to talk to, you need to let him know that you are there for him.
She is breaking the law, by law you have to get a lunch and breaks, I have worked in every kind of job and they all had to give us breaks by law, call the labor people on her, or what ever it is called, find a new job and then tell her why her places is going under.
Go you, you should do that and you should tell her why you quit and tell her why her office is going under and then just walk out, it will really fuck her up.
You should also tell some one about that, if she is spending money that she isnt suppose to be spending then she is also breaking the law.