So i guess i reached the steady point of all the wierd nonsense that has been going on. Right now everything is quiet and calm. Nothing extravagant occuring. Yet...
About a week ago my sister found me a little gecko, and i named him Geiko after the car insurance just cuz he looked like the little gecko in the commercials. Something new i learned, baby geckos are called Geppies. Lol, he was my little Geppy. Even that sounds cute! lol
Well, yesturday i bought him a new little home, i came home and was ready to put him in a new little tank when my lil bro said he was dead. Yup, little Geiko froze outside. How could i be so stupid?!
I cried, after all, he was just a baby.
Also, my phone decided to erase all my contacts and text messages again. I hate it when that happens! It's the 6th time this year it does that! I have no one's phone number and all my important tattoo messages are gone. I love my phone but i hate it at the same time.
Damn, Sidekick LX lol
My desktop on my lap top is also acting up. Everytime i log into my account everything goes away and never comes back, you just see the background picture. Anyone knows what could possibly be wrong with it? or how to fix it?
Wednesday was also the meteor shower. I stayed up until 2:00 am trying to see if i can see it. There was just too much light. I was disappointed
My lil bro is also in his first year of football. It's good because he keeps himself busy and actually likes it. He's really good at giving it all he has. He comes home tired and sore but he's the first one to be ready for practice. He gets hurt a lot but i guess that's part of the game. LOL i sound like a mother
So then he has to sell these raffle tickets for $20 each. They are for 4 tickets to Disneyland, a 47" flat screen TV, a car and a BBQ grill lol. Anyone interested in buying one? Winner doesn't have to be present at the time of the raffle, they will contact you. But he needs to get rid of all 10 tickets by September and so far he's sold none
So tonight i will be heading off to Vegas, don't know what to expect yet. Just hope i can get my mind off things and relax
It is also about time i shoot another set, a multi set too
About a week ago my sister found me a little gecko, and i named him Geiko after the car insurance just cuz he looked like the little gecko in the commercials. Something new i learned, baby geckos are called Geppies. Lol, he was my little Geppy. Even that sounds cute! lol
Well, yesturday i bought him a new little home, i came home and was ready to put him in a new little tank when my lil bro said he was dead. Yup, little Geiko froze outside. How could i be so stupid?!

Also, my phone decided to erase all my contacts and text messages again. I hate it when that happens! It's the 6th time this year it does that! I have no one's phone number and all my important tattoo messages are gone. I love my phone but i hate it at the same time.

My desktop on my lap top is also acting up. Everytime i log into my account everything goes away and never comes back, you just see the background picture. Anyone knows what could possibly be wrong with it? or how to fix it?
Wednesday was also the meteor shower. I stayed up until 2:00 am trying to see if i can see it. There was just too much light. I was disappointed

My lil bro is also in his first year of football. It's good because he keeps himself busy and actually likes it. He's really good at giving it all he has. He comes home tired and sore but he's the first one to be ready for practice. He gets hurt a lot but i guess that's part of the game. LOL i sound like a mother

So tonight i will be heading off to Vegas, don't know what to expect yet. Just hope i can get my mind off things and relax

It is also about time i shoot another set, a multi set too

I have a circular celtic cross design that I want to get inked onto my back - I want it to be rather large, and I think I want you to do it
photo of design forthcoming (I don't have it on me - it's in albany, ny)