IDK what was wrong with me last night. But yesturday at work i was working on the tat designs that i had pending. I spend all my hours at work doing that until they were perfect. When i got home, i skipped the gym and continued on the sketches. I was really tired and it hit midnight but i still didn't want to stop. I had a migrane and still kept sketching. So finally Pookey told me to go to bed and i did. I dreamt about me sketching ideas and whatnot, so i woke up at 2 am in the morning and couldn't go to sleep until almost 4 am! I wanted to continue what i started but i was like, WTF?! I'm not going to sketch right now! Go to sleep Peaches!!!! lmao! So i did, i even woke up late for work. And hoping there would be nothing to do so i can continue to sketch, i show up to the office with a pile of paperwork
. So i'm hoping the doctor will leave early so i can keep working on my sketches. I really don't know whats wrong with me, i've never been so devoted, dedicated, obsessed with getting something done like this!

I've definitely had that happen to me! I'll be completely unmotivated at times or can't stay focused on something I should, then out of nowhere I'll spend ALL of my time working on/doing one thing and won't stop for days. Kinda weird, but also kinda useful at times