Ugh... its Monday, same ol' routine all over again. So Pookey seems to be getting better. Thats a good thing. I'm back at the office hoping something exciting would happen. For some reason i'm feeling jittery, idk why but i am. I'm really looking forward to Friday, "Payday!" yay! lol gta pay my bills and then the weekend comes and more work to do. I Just wish i had a job where if i wake up one morning and don't feel like going to work, i don't have to. Lol, i think i just need a vacation. I heard from my Dad again last night. He seems to be doing fine, got in another motorcycle accident, this time not as severe but he did get hurt. He seems to be doing fine now though. I was also using some practice skin to try a new style of tatoos but that thing was so gay. It was supposed to be "pig skin" but i think its rubber. So i gave up on it. Was very disappointed. Now i'm at work trying to work on some tats i will have on Saturday. Lets see how that goes.
vacations are always good
pay day is the best day ever. I get paid on Friday too