OH WHAT A WEEKEND!!! lol Friday my Pookey took my mom and I to dinner. He took us to a restaurant in Downey i believe called Gloria's. They had Mariachi and all, the wait was only 20 min and the food was there ASAP! I just didn't like the Margaritas :/ other than that TOTALLY recommend going there! The food was GREAT! Then we went home and my sis needed to get out so i picked her up and we went to Walmart. We were walking around, joking, going on a mini shopping spree lol. I didn't get home till midnight! I was exhausted! Saturday, I woke up at 8 and went to Walmart because i forgot to buy hair dye and a pregnancy test. So i go and my mom calls me asking me to bring more things and i spent another hour there lol. I then rushed to Northgate and bought 7 lbs worth of peaches for my new set. I rushed home and got ready. I waited for my pookey to get home from work and then we went to pick up our friends and rushed to Joshua Tree to shoot with Lorelei. Interesting place, very serene, it was nice. There was 4 car accidents in the freeway so it was a living hell dealing with traffic. Finally we get there and i went first because we needed to use the sunlight. We showed up at 510 and we shot really quick before we lost the sun. I hope it turns out nice. It was a fun set
you guys will later see why. Then my friend shot and when we were done we drove back home. We all fell asleep on our way back. Sunday morning was eh- okay lol. I woke up and took the pregnancy test..... and it was negative
. So i comforted myself by saying that things happen for a reason. Doesn't hurt to try again right? lol, so i got ready and met with my friend at the swapmeet in Norwalk, by the Cerritos College and we went to a stand where they sold body jewelry. I asked the lady if they needed any piercers or tattoo artists but she said no however, she said i was very pretty and she might later down the road need a pretty artist for more business lol i believe that, so i left my info and left. I had nothing to do, no where to go, so i went home. Bored i set up my equipment and rang people up to see who wanted a tattoo for $20. Finally my pookey came home and got his leg tatted. I did the Rage against the machine cover with "The Battle of Los Angeles" on the back of his leg.
Looks awsome! But still not done yet, and we had some freinds come over and we went out to eat and came home. We didn't go to sleep until 1 am. Over all, interesting weekend. How about you guys? I want to know how everyone's weekend went? How was it?!

Looks awsome! But still not done yet, and we had some freinds come over and we went out to eat and came home. We didn't go to sleep until 1 am. Over all, interesting weekend. How about you guys? I want to know how everyone's weekend went? How was it?!
Nice job on the tattoo and I look forward to the set.