Hello SG! I'm currently at work feeling like shit. I was bleaching my cousin's hair last night i got sick... somehow. So now i have the flu and i still had to come to work. I'm the only one in the office so i get to sip on some tea and listen to jazz music and lay on our recliner chair
. But i hate this feeling in my throat
i hope i get better cuz i would hate to spend my weekend in bed
and saturday my pookey and i are going house shopping! Yay! we made an appoinment with an agent so she can give us a tour of a home we saw a block away from where we live. I just hope it has enough rooms for the whole family. Ugh, but i dnt wna feel sick when i go.

I love your fantasy
good luck with the house hunting and i do hope youu feel better!

I just got over having the flu myself and it was terrible.
I hope you feel better by this weekend so you can enjoy your house shopping.