SIgh- hello SG! Wonderful sunny/rainy day in Cali! I love it when its sunny and it rains. It feels like a portable shower lol xP. Well Vday was fun, we went to the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney and there was a LINE!!! Our wait was until 12:45 am and we got there at 8:40 pm! So we did some walking and came back and finally got a table in the patio with heaters, so really we only waited like an hour
. Last week was pretty shocking. On Monday an aunt that i haven't seen since i was 3 came down to visit my mom, so i stopped by to say hello, that was pretty shocking for me and especially because she remembered me! THen i find out i have like 4 new cousins i've never met,one of them being 3 years younger than me. I feel like i can relate to Luke Skywalker from Star Wars when he finds out Princes Leiya is his sister. It's a trip! Then I gave my mom a make over, and EVERYONE likes her hair cut and hair color, even though i'm not done, they still liked it. Then we find out my cousin ran away to Arizona to get married to my mom's neighbor, whom i must mention is a drug adict, mistreats her, and uses her for her money because aparently he can't get a job. But anyway, the list goes on, my head starts to hurt when i try to catch up to everything that happend within a week! But i'm staying possitive, keeping happy thoughts, trying to become a better person every day and make the best of everything.
I feel such relieve
. Wonder what will happen next :/ lol

whats up?