Well, things are a lil better now. The dude has not come back cuz he has detectives looking for him so he's hidding. My sis is getting the help she needs. And the nurse doesnt work at the office anymore. My hours were recovered but my pookey's hours were cut to 32 instead of 40. Sigh- i got to admit, i'm a lil bummed out because my pookey instead of comming home from work he went out with his friends. I dnt want to come out selfish but ive been waiting for him since i got out of work and he's going to come home late
. This lap top is also pissing me off cuz the keys get stuck. I usually type 85 wpm, but now i'm typing 10 wpm. >: [ . RRRRRR!!!!!!!

I hope when your Pookey got home you gave him lots of love. There's no better feeling in the world than going home to a loving woman, especially after a night out with a bunch of rowdy boys.
Thanks a lot for the friend request