woah, so things are getting interesting at work. The doctor sat down and spoke to the medical assistant (Jessica) and I about where the business is heading. The truth came out. It turns out that the nurse that works with us is only supposed to work 4 hours a month, just the way it was agreed when she started. She escaladed to 6-10 hours a week. It is costing the doctor $6,000 monthly to pay 3 employees! The nurse makes $50! At a hospital she could be making $35, she lied to the doctor telling her she's worth $50 and now her hours have to be cut as well. To make a long story short, she's not who we thought she was, i mean, for an older woman we thought she would be more honest. She began to tell Jessica and the doctor that needles were missing and she told them that she thinks i'm taking them home to use them to tattoo. I fuckin' cracked my ass off! I told the doctor, 1- i wouldn't do such a thing 2- i never have taken anything from work and 3- if she really thought i took the needles to tattoo, she would know they would do me no good because those are not the kind of needles that are used to tattoo. But the doctor told me that she knows the nurse is taking them home for her side job and is only trying to save her ass by blamming me.
I mean, come on, if your going to do that say they are missing or just got lost but dnt blame it on someone else. The doctor decided to get rid of her, this lady is like 63 years old and she acts like she's 20. My jaw dropped when i heard all these things that she would say behind my back to the world. But i'm glad that the doctor acknowledges my work and has told me that she can't believe that i do ALL the work in the office and make less than the nurse when all the nurse does is milk the time and simply poke 3 patients a week for $50 an hour to do nothing! She had the nerve to tell the doctor that i'm becoming expensive with my 1 hour of OT every week and needed to cut my hours but her pay is always $3000 a month when only mine is $1400 the most! I was like WTF?!!! but i'm satisfied with what the doctor told me and its good to know that she appreciates my hard work. This thing is becomming a soap opera! I'll keep you updated with what happens next. Tomorrow i'm going to tat my cousin, she wants her name in Chinese on the back of her neck. I'll take a pic and post it tomorrow
. Sigh- i'm tired, but dnt wna go to sleep. Just constantly checking on my set hoping for it to go live,
i gta get out lol.

what a bitch!!!!
at least she'll get what's coming to her now.