OMG! lol, so how was everyone's thanksgiving? Good i hope, my thanksgiving was insane! I hosted it at my place and i got to cook the turkey. Oh was that tough or what?! My love bought a 17 lb turkey and it was sooo heavy to flip over every now and then. The good thing was that it was a potluck, everyone brought something, so i wasn't as stressed. I kinda burnt the turkey but everyone liked it. Then Julian told me how it wasn't going to work out cuz our place was too small but then again we had the loft yada yada yada, so people showed up and yea, it was a bit crowded but we had blast! My bro in law brought like 20 fucking pies! We got enough pies till next thanksgiving! lol, and on Sunday we went to Home Depot just to check out the christmas trees, and we ended up walking out with one. I got the biggest fattest tree i could find! I automatically went on a shopping spree for decorations cuz its our first Christmas living on our own, i'm pretty excited! Our tree looks wonder full! And today we just came back from watching the SG movie! OMG! too fucking funny, it was awsome and cruel, even though i dnt know Amina, but she's fucking badass! All the SGs were fucking great, poor Rigel was gonna have a nervous breakdown, for a while i even though I that everyone was acting it out for a while, it was all real! lol, What a way to end the week and what a way to start the week! lol, BUT I CAN'T WAIT TILL CHRISTMAS!!!! YAY!!!! i gotta start my wish list! 
These are my decorations, enjoy!

These are my decorations, enjoy!
good luck on the wishlist and sweet decorations
your place looks eerie like ours! :oO