Does anyone else go bonkers around this time...
ME ME ME it drives me bleeding nuts.. im not joking.... im feeling rather mental
Gone freelance
Well im now a freelance photographer.. officailly.. left that crap asshole photographer 2 weeks ago.. Yayyyyyy It has taking me a year to pluck up the courage to leave...
so i have been photographing 1000 s of products for musgraves catalog the past 2 wks.. its a great way to loose weight...
So here is my theory... i have been looking and handling food from 9-6, five days a wk... and im never hungry anymore..
so anyone who wants to loose weight, you just need to feel and touuch food all da.. and it tricks yr brain into thinkin you have eatin.... aha... not that anyone needs to loose weight on this site
My filling has just falling out
Does anyone else go bonkers around this time...
ME ME ME it drives me bleeding nuts.. im not joking.... im feeling rather mental
Gone freelance
Well im now a freelance photographer.. officailly.. left that crap asshole photographer 2 weeks ago.. Yayyyyyy It has taking me a year to pluck up the courage to leave...
so i have been photographing 1000 s of products for musgraves catalog the past 2 wks.. its a great way to loose weight...
So here is my theory... i have been looking and handling food from 9-6, five days a wk... and im never hungry anymore..
so anyone who wants to loose weight, you just need to feel and touuch food all da.. and it tricks yr brain into thinkin you have eatin.... aha... not that anyone needs to loose weight on this site

My filling has just falling out

we dance under moon light-