Hello kittens! I am going to consider this my first/introduction blog since my actual first one was just the 10 facts for homework! (which was still kind of informative! but that's here nor there)
right now I don't have a computer, so I blog from my phone, and it is just a hassle. I am currently saving up to get one with a nice webcam as well to take lots of pictures for you all ;) but this is my apology for not writing anything sooner!
I'm 21 years old, I work at a pizza place and I'm currently searching for a second job! I am quite the workaholic, I always have been. I get that from my father.
I absolutely adore animals and think I would like working with them as a profession, but I have no idea which way I want to go with that. I went to a community college for 2 years and it was bland and lifeless. I also signed up for hair school and was only there for a month. (thank god I realized soon it wasn't for me, yikes!)
My favorite animals are definitely cats! but I love dogs just as much :) I have always wanted a candy cane snake, their colors are gorgeous and they are so small and precious :3
Summer time is my favorite season and it needs to hurry the hell up! I am always a hermit crab as soon as the first cold front comes along. Living in Indiana, our weather fluctuates so damn much, I stay inside until it's hot as hell everyday. :) Hiking, camping and canoeing are three of my favorite things to do come summer time.
Ever since high school I've wanted to be a suicide girl. I couldn't wait to turn 18 and do a set! As soon as I turned 18 I got my first tattoos, and it all began. My first tattoos are the swallows on my hips. (Technically they are underneath those swallows, because the first set I got needed a cover up bad!) It was a huge craze to get the swallows, but I got them for my grandma. She use to sit in the kitchen and look out her window at all the birds. She use to tell me she wanted to be like them, so she could be free. <3
I knew that tattoos weren't a requirement for SG but I wanted to be happy with the amount I had and the way my body looked before I did a set. The first suicide girl I ever laid eyes on was Radeo. I was absolutely in LOVE. I was hooked, I started to research and look more into the website and the community and I knew I had to be apart of it :) I want to get to know more of the ladies around me and travel to meet the babes around the world!
meeting @alissa and @radeo was a dream come true! They were the sweetest ladies in the world (and the absolute babeliest) They both made me feel so comfortable, like I've known them forever! I hope to do another set with the both of them soon!
My set doesn't come out until July 13 but I am still so anxious! I can't wait to give you all more spoilers and teasers sooner to the date! thanks for listening to me ramble about a bunch of nonsense! ;) I'll try to post as much as possible! and as soon as I get a computer, you guys will have all the stuff!
everyone have a bitchin' ass day! and toke one for me! <3