- on kittyqueen's post on peacecraft's page
I just saw the Simpsons movie for the 2nd time at the Alamo Drafthouse (s.lamar) here in Austin.
for those of you who have never been to the Drafthouse it's a movie theater that serves beer and excellent food.
For The Simpsons Movie the drafthouse has a special menu consisting of Simpsons themed foods such as Duff Beer, Buzz Cola, Krusty Burgers, and donuts with...
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for those of you who have never been to the Drafthouse it's a movie theater that serves beer and excellent food.
For The Simpsons Movie the drafthouse has a special menu consisting of Simpsons themed foods such as Duff Beer, Buzz Cola, Krusty Burgers, and donuts with...
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yeah yeah I know, its been a while.
this past weekend I had the chance to take my aunt (who was in from out of town) to a couple of bars in the city.
It was nice to spend some time with her, It had been a while since I had seen her.
later that night
her car ended up getting towed (it sucked).
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this past weekend I had the chance to take my aunt (who was in from out of town) to a couple of bars in the city.
It was nice to spend some time with her, It had been a while since I had seen her.
later that night
her car ended up getting towed (it sucked).
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Well its been a while since I have done any updates, and who knows if anybody even reads my blogs, b.sides nothing really that interesting has happened in my life that was worth sharing.(well I suppose there have been somethings but thats for another time) for now I have this:
Last night my friend "the lemur" and my self attended the Fun Fun Fun Fest...
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Last night my friend "the lemur" and my self attended the Fun Fun Fun Fest...
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Thank you so much for taking the time out to type a comment for my set, I appreciate it so much! Thanks!
I've heard prefuse 73 were good before too. Sadly, no one ever tours here.
Well its been a while since i've written in this thing, so its about time for a update. Last Monday we were in Phoenix for the mars volta show, now back home I've been contemplating taking a trip to california for nocturnal wonderland, I have a lot of friends in the san diego area so I'll be staying there, and then drive up to the...
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trying to keep up with that whole updating thing, I had a ok weekend, saw some hot girlies last night, chilled with some good friends on friday, and today I watched the new simpsons and family guy, and that show that comes on after family guy, that was written by the same people as the family guy, but sucks cause family guy has already done...
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lol. Fuck yea
awwwwwww!!!! ...thanks for the lovely comment about my set !!

well today is my birthday, and so far its been pretty good, we had a crazy party at my house last night, almost everyone I know that still lives in this city was there. lots of binge drinking and hash smoking. It was great to have everybody here. thanks to lemur and marcel and kelly for the music. and thanks to my momma cause she's...
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Happy Late Birthday.
thanks to everyone for accepting my friend requests so far, I really love the community here everyones great, even one of my best friends has applied to be a Suicide Girl, hopefully she makes it cause I know she'll be a great addition to all the beautiful girls here on SG
I see you don't write a whole lot in your journal, not that I'm complaining, simplicity is always good, just wanted to know if there's any petticular reason why?
Smelly Kitty Cats
well I'm just barley getting around to updating my SG profile, but you can check out my Myspace
Welcome to the SG community!
sorry it took me so long to get back to you....been out of the loop for a while....but of course you can be my friend!!