An appearance by--and arrest of--the infamous Heywood Jablome!
'Throughout the morning, law enforcement officers stood on the perimeter of the five-acre field. At no point did the protest turn violent, though officers escorted Heywood Jablome away after he held up a sign directly in front of Burk that read "Make me dinner" before shouting "Oprah rules." '
(I read somewhere that he told the reporters his name was pronounced "Haywood Ja-Blohm" and provided the above spelling. I don't know why this makes me laugh so hard. But it does.)
'Throughout the morning, law enforcement officers stood on the perimeter of the five-acre field. At no point did the protest turn violent, though officers escorted Heywood Jablome away after he held up a sign directly in front of Burk that read "Make me dinner" before shouting "Oprah rules." '
(I read somewhere that he told the reporters his name was pronounced "Haywood Ja-Blohm" and provided the above spelling. I don't know why this makes me laugh so hard. But it does.)

I talked to Seventyfive...she wants to go and maybe some of my other friends....I also emailed moondaddy...i havent heard from hiim. Roxxe sent me her phone numebr and i will be giving her a call about all that...she wants in too...
LOL they updated that article now so it doesnt say says one man