its Wednesday, I go to PEI tomorrow and photograph a wedding on Saturday. I hope I don't mess it up to much.

So if you are bored, you could always go to my site and click on an ad. It has a real goal, but it is more of a social experiment to see just how many clicks I can generate by word of mouth and the kindness of strangers with a couple mouse clicks to spare.
Do the google ads count? if so i clicked on a bunch biggrin

How are things with you otherwise?
I haven't really been spending much time on this site lately. As for the sets, since some time in July, I've only looked at a few sets a week.
I must have to much other stuff on my mind, cuz its not like I don't enjoy seeing naked ladies (like sunshine, Keegan, and Mneylu)
No matter, the nakedness will still be here! tongue
Thank you so much for your kind words about my set. kiss

I wish I could sleep as well as my wife, she can sleep like 12 hours a day with no problem. I have trouble sleeping more than 3 hours without waking up (I usually string together about 7 hours overnight).
hahaha, mr Boombastic!!

I also sleep in 3 hour stretches...but I have a valid reason tongue
Its Saturday and I'm back in Moncton now

and its raining... how much fun is that frown
thank u kindly! smile
la la la
I'm off to Ottawa in like 2 days for a week.

I love trips that work pays for

with most languages i start off with a book from chapters.. theres a series called ".. in ten minutes a day" that i find really good" and something called the living language series that also rocks my socks.. on cd...
smile have fun on your trip!!
I should update that I broke it off yesterday tongue
It wasn't easy, but he didn't give me a reason to stay.
The top floor of the building I worked in was flooded today, so the whole place was evaculated, nothing says wasted money like 1000 people standing outside for an hour. smile

Last night was awesome, I got to see some friends I havne't seen in a while and just by random change I got to meet Mneylu and Keegan (both are very hot in person smile)

What are the odds!
I'm so happy you recognized me and I am so glad I got to meet you in person!! Hopefully we will run in to each other sometime soon.. somehow tongue

more soon.. just running out for errands but i didnt want to be an ass and delay saying hi again any longer biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
the parent thing went alright.. working that club was really hard.. i was getting no love for the alt look. so.. ill be going back to st. john in 2 weeks to start up working again...
my parents did want to yell at me.. but it was as easy on me as they have ever been. i was in shock. tongue