time for a long weekend... I think I'm going over to PEI to see my parents and maybe head to the new poker tables at the track.
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 17, 2006
I think I'll take my girls shopping at Old Navy for some summer cloth… -
Friday Jun 16, 2006
Its Friday night at 1am I'm sitting at home watching XXX2: state o… -
Saturday Jun 10, 2006
Its saturday night at 10pm, my kids are asleep and I'm going to bed. … -
Tuesday Jun 06, 2006
blah... its tuesday and I'm home sick... well at least I'm not at wor… -
Friday Jun 02, 2006
its friday -
Friday May 26, 2006
yup... going to see my favorite tattoo guy tonight to see about some … -
Saturday May 20, 2006
Lots of people seem to be getting new ink... I must resist the urge t… -
Friday May 19, 2006
its friday night, and I'm watching X-MEN 2 on City TV... I thought I … -
Tuesday May 16, 2006
its Tuesday I'm home with my kids with no car and nothing really … -
Saturday May 13, 2006
its monther's day weekend, so tomorrow I drive over to PEI to see my …