woo hooo my headache is gone
I have that feeling about work that in the past made me go look for another job (its a very blah feeling), as I've been at my job just over two years. Myabe a vacation would help, but I have no idea where I would like to go and my wife hasn't been at her job long enough to take time of and the kids and in school and stuff.
I know what I'll do; I'll pour sand in my cubicle at work and bring a beach chair to sit on, that should help

I have that feeling about work that in the past made me go look for another job (its a very blah feeling), as I've been at my job just over two years. Myabe a vacation would help, but I have no idea where I would like to go and my wife hasn't been at her job long enough to take time of and the kids and in school and stuff.
I know what I'll do; I'll pour sand in my cubicle at work and bring a beach chair to sit on, that should help

Yup that is the place