This doesn't seem to work for me... I'm going to leave. Have fun everyone.
Kayaking was awsome!!! I can't wait to go next week... and I'm brining home a boat.

I'm going to buy a Kayak today!!!

My shoulder hurts, I need to quit fighting when I am drunk... maybe I'm going through the same thing the guy in fight club did... hummmmm.
it was for the class!
It was really fun, and we may even do it again in Seneca Falls. Some people were interested in it.

I got really, really, really, really drunk last night and do not remember the majority of the night.
I've added some of outdoor photos to my pics please take a look.
i think part of my problem is what to take the pictures of. but i still love the pics you took. i experimented last night and am working on posting them now.
Thanks for the advise. i am still working on my pics, and for some reason they are all too big, so i guess i am going to have to mess with the setting on the camera to see how to make them smaller.
I inspired my Tai Chi teacher to start riding her bike to work and class. I inspired someone!!! Now I just need to touch the rest of the world.
I lost my potential roommate due to a cat, how dumb! I think living alone is sounding better and better.
I'm also fixing my Jeep (that I crashed) for $180.
I'm scheduled to take my first whitewater kayaking lesson... I am also going to buy one at a great deal... sweeeeet!
Oooo, I also got my first tip guiding yesturday!
21 days down, 7 to...
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I'm also fixing my Jeep (that I crashed) for $180.
I'm scheduled to take my first whitewater kayaking lesson... I am also going to buy one at a great deal... sweeeeet!

Oooo, I also got my first tip guiding yesturday!
21 days down, 7 to...
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yeshhhh...more to come!!!!
I tried to call you on Sat, but you were probably rafting. I forgot it was Sat.
I was sick and retarded. I'll try to give you a call. I'm curious as to all these news you posted here. 

I hiked to Eternal Flame Falls last night during the full moon. It was great, I didn't even use my head lamp. We lost one person; however, after a rescue mission he ended up back at the car.
I hate it when people wonder off.
I also hate it when people don't listen, I think I choose the wrong career.
I hate it when people wonder off.
I also hate it when people don't listen, I think I choose the wrong career.

Pretty picture...
I can't sleep, should have gotten drunk...