obie kabie, on to more funn things that aren't ill-mended hearts and heads deserving some shock therapy.
my new job requires lots of attendance to lots of meetings for lots of the time. these meetings are filled with lots of idiots droning about lots of boring stuff and filled with lots of intensely ugly people who are good for murder/indian burn fantasies rather than the good kind of seXXor fantasies.
so, to pass the time, i often wonder what i'd do with, say, ten million dollars. here's my list:
1. buy mom a house, car, staff of her choosing. maybe two of each if i'm feeling froggy.
2. buy dad a lakehouse in TX, a glen in Scotland, and lots of hookers.
3. buy my brother that plot of Austin land he's paying on and pay for his upcoming wedding along with setting up trust funds for his kids' education(s).
4. buy me a townhouse in old own alexandria, at the south terminus of south lee street. you'd know that already if you've been attention.
5. give a 100lk each or so to a kitty charity, a reading for kids charity and a veterans charity.
6. embark on a perpetual party tour of europe, beginning with the guinness factory in dublin and ending...well, never.
7. invest the $867 i have left.
8. die
9. i'm dead
10. still dead
11. maybe write a book
so, though lacking in the immense and hip emo clever that is the mainstay of this site, my list is at least honest and involving mom and a few charities.
so now, your turn.
my new job requires lots of attendance to lots of meetings for lots of the time. these meetings are filled with lots of idiots droning about lots of boring stuff and filled with lots of intensely ugly people who are good for murder/indian burn fantasies rather than the good kind of seXXor fantasies.
so, to pass the time, i often wonder what i'd do with, say, ten million dollars. here's my list:
1. buy mom a house, car, staff of her choosing. maybe two of each if i'm feeling froggy.
2. buy dad a lakehouse in TX, a glen in Scotland, and lots of hookers.
3. buy my brother that plot of Austin land he's paying on and pay for his upcoming wedding along with setting up trust funds for his kids' education(s).
4. buy me a townhouse in old own alexandria, at the south terminus of south lee street. you'd know that already if you've been attention.
5. give a 100lk each or so to a kitty charity, a reading for kids charity and a veterans charity.
6. embark on a perpetual party tour of europe, beginning with the guinness factory in dublin and ending...well, never.
7. invest the $867 i have left.
8. die
9. i'm dead
10. still dead
11. maybe write a book
so, though lacking in the immense and hip emo clever that is the mainstay of this site, my list is at least honest and involving mom and a few charities.
so now, your turn.
2. create a school that is heavy in the arts and humanities, and see how the gardens grow when well watered and lit.
3. donate money to operation eyesight, where a mere $30.00 canadian changes lives, literally.
4. build a log home on the familial plot on kootenay lake, my favorite place on earth.
5. take my friend, pb, on a drinking tour of europe visiting the guinness factory in dublin, the heineken factory in amsterdam et al.
6. marvel at the sights and sounds of carnival in rio, while visiting my favorite sibling
7. give away $100,000 in $1,000 installments to the first 100 people i meet one christmas eve