Have you ever heard that song by Ill Niño? It's bad ass and the video is cool too!
I haven't been able to mess around in this page cause I've was traveling to Kuwait and thought I was in company internet. Found out I'm not so I'll be here more often!! 😜
Kuwait is alright, not anywhere I would ever vacation but it is a nice break from Afghanistan. Anyways back to living like there's not tomorrow! What's the most exciting thing that you have done? What gets your adrenaline going? For me it's concerts, traveling, hiking, trying new things etc.
I guess I like these blogs cause I like to talk and share stories. It wasn't until my mid 20s that I cracked out of my shell and started being more outgoing and stopped working about what everyone thought. That's when traveling and adventures began. I started traveling all over Europe, the states etc and it is fixing awesome!
One awesome trip I did was hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon! Man that was quite the challenge but I did it! Climbing up rocks and make shift ladders. It felt like I was in a movie! The waterfalls were incredible, being out there with no phone reception, bathing in the river, sleeping outdoors, just brings a smile to my face.
That trip was about 50 miles hiking in 2 and a half days but it was worth it. My feet were killing me at the end and it was strenuous but I was definitely proud that I was able to accomplish that. This trip is hard to get on and luckily I was able to do it.
These are things I probably would have never done before when I was shy and quiet. I'm glad that's behind me cause I love who I am now! I love life to the fullest and everyone should. When it's all said and done I think people think about experiences more than materialistic stuff. I tell my friends all the time get out and live it up!! You miss out on amazing stuff when you hold back! Love like there's no tomorrow!! Those are some pics from my trip! Hope you like them! Enjoy!
Much love ❤