well to many shows not enough $$$
got in a fight at the last 1
and im gettin to old for all that shit!!! frown
it's really too bad that there's never enough money to check out all the shit that we want to check out. and we're all getting too old for that shit.
for me it's too many tattoos not enough $$$
i don't get in fights when i get tattooed, though wink
i hate bein sick!! i jsut got over a cold and now i got another one
mad but can anyone tell me what this burlesque show is and what goes on?
frown aww! get well soon!! kiss
i hate the hoidays to many people runnin around to cold outside to much money to spend and my court date is comin up mad frown puke
and evil is the only girl who talks to me!!!
hey smile
thanks for the nice compliment!!
aw, honey~ i'm sorry! looks like Rachel said something nice!?
the computer at work took a dump, so now it's back and so am I!!! X's & O's kiss kiss kiss
i hate bein sick puke
Feel better soon!

Happy Holidaze surreal
well i just went to another show and it wasnt that great my friends band was the highlight of the night we got to dance it up and be assholes when we felt like it but that was about itand avenge sevenfold was really disappointing but o well i got in for free
getting in for free somewhere totally makes any terrible evening worth it. well almost every terrible evening. i almost always have fun no matter where i go out. smile
i dont understand where all of you girls are how come i never see any girls this hot where i live thats fucked mad
i know a lot are here in the SF bay area! biggrin