Okay! Let's try this one more time!
I'm excited to see what happens with the new site. I'm hoping for the articles to come back and for it to be a little more PC friendly than it is now.
I started a new job! I now work a tiny boutique, so of course they are working me to death. Hopefully, things will level out before the end of October.
I will be at the SuicideGirls Blackheart Burlesque performance on October 26th! Who else will I see there??
I got two new tattoos! This whole counter girl thing is really working out for me. :)
I also have a new set coming out tomorrow! I can't wait for you guys to see it! Check out the preview!! :D
Sorry this blog is so short. I'll post a longer one after I get done playing with the site some more! Love you guys!