The worst thing about being unemployed (besides that nightmare where your student loans and credit card statements grow little arms and legs and suddenly swarm to stab you in the eyes, face and ass) has to be when you realize you haven't actually talked to a person in a couple days.
And then, without realizing it, you go on one of those catatonic Cartesian headtrips where you're not really sure if there *are* people.
And then after a night or two of insomnia, your Future Self visits you in your waking hours. He doesn't smell too good, has a long beard and a cardboard sign that reads "Need money for beer, pot and hookers: Hey! at least I'm not bullshitting you."
And while it's a relief to note that at least one of You has a sense of humor about being tired, broke and lonely, you would rather just go to bed now than have to think about it.
So then you try to catch up on sleep before you finally decide whether you should:
A) Nab any old job for the time being
B) Skip town and visit some peeps for a while
C) Phone a friend, or
D) Poll the audience
So, uhm, yea that's the worst part I think.
And then, without realizing it, you go on one of those catatonic Cartesian headtrips where you're not really sure if there *are* people.
And then after a night or two of insomnia, your Future Self visits you in your waking hours. He doesn't smell too good, has a long beard and a cardboard sign that reads "Need money for beer, pot and hookers: Hey! at least I'm not bullshitting you."
And while it's a relief to note that at least one of You has a sense of humor about being tired, broke and lonely, you would rather just go to bed now than have to think about it.
So then you try to catch up on sleep before you finally decide whether you should:
A) Nab any old job for the time being
B) Skip town and visit some peeps for a while
C) Phone a friend, or
D) Poll the audience
So, uhm, yea that's the worst part I think.
I know it's probably not much consolation, but that period after college when you haven't found a job yet is one of the freest times in your whole life. You can literally do anything. Enjoy the possiblities, while they're still there!
Ride the rails, sleep in a field, drink coffee out of a tin can, learn to talk to horses, be written off as the artifact of a dead era, until one man who believes in you brings you a smallish, headstrong, chestnut colt and an oversized jockey and together, you inspire the nation during a time of incredible national agony.