I worked at the mall Saturday night. A weird thing happened. Firstly, I work at an engraving place. And this lady had some in to get something in memorial of someone. I didn't know who, or any of the situation. She just specifically asked for our memorial water globe. She asked for two. I asked her if she wanted to have them engraved. It took her well over a minute to answer this "yes or no" question. Turns out her husband had died two days prior. So yeah, her mind was elsewhere. She said yes. She wanted his name and the dates of his birth and death. This was the freaky part. Dude was about 4 months younger than me.
That had a bigger effect on me than I would have thought. Not sure what I fealt. But I freaked.
Earlier that night an old dude came in. He was looking for an engravable plate for a shadow box. Its a shadow box of all his military medals and insignia. So we tell him how much it is and he shits his pants. "I am going to your competitors" he tells us. Like I give a fuck. The store is owned by a large corporation, not me. Like I care if some old dude is bent out of shape because he is cheap.
Some people have no concept of money and the services they provide. So many old ladies give me the "stink eye" when they are told the price of things. And so many people crap the pants when they find out they have to actually pay for engraving. Dude, do you think I hang out at the mall for free. NO! I am wearing a nametag and standing inside a kiosk for a reason. Douche.
Anyways... Its my birthday this week. That might be why that 37 year olds dudes death bothered me so much. And why old people bother me.
Happy St Patricks day.

That had a bigger effect on me than I would have thought. Not sure what I fealt. But I freaked.
Earlier that night an old dude came in. He was looking for an engravable plate for a shadow box. Its a shadow box of all his military medals and insignia. So we tell him how much it is and he shits his pants. "I am going to your competitors" he tells us. Like I give a fuck. The store is owned by a large corporation, not me. Like I care if some old dude is bent out of shape because he is cheap.
Some people have no concept of money and the services they provide. So many old ladies give me the "stink eye" when they are told the price of things. And so many people crap the pants when they find out they have to actually pay for engraving. Dude, do you think I hang out at the mall for free. NO! I am wearing a nametag and standing inside a kiosk for a reason. Douche.
Anyways... Its my birthday this week. That might be why that 37 year olds dudes death bothered me so much. And why old people bother me.
Happy St Patricks day.

Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday.