I had a very Merry Christmas. We drove up to my Aunts house in Gainesville.
Here are some pictures.


Layla. My cousins Christmas present. Good thing she never sat on my lab. I would have nibbled on her chocolate ear.

Ruby. Sweet little Pug puppy. She would fall asleep on my lap as we sat around the fire.

Rascal. She is such a sweet kittie. She adopted the family. Decided to have a litter of kittens under a bed. She didn't even live there. Obviously, she does now.

Tripod. He was in that first litter. His umbilical cord was wrapped around one of his legs. He lost the leg. That is why his name is "Tripod". He gets around just fine. Unless people are watching. Then he limps to get sympathy. I love this cat. We like to take naps together.
Here are some pictures.


Layla. My cousins Christmas present. Good thing she never sat on my lab. I would have nibbled on her chocolate ear.

Ruby. Sweet little Pug puppy. She would fall asleep on my lap as we sat around the fire.

Rascal. She is such a sweet kittie. She adopted the family. Decided to have a litter of kittens under a bed. She didn't even live there. Obviously, she does now.

Tripod. He was in that first litter. His umbilical cord was wrapped around one of his legs. He lost the leg. That is why his name is "Tripod". He gets around just fine. Unless people are watching. Then he limps to get sympathy. I love this cat. We like to take naps together.
(btw- your animal pictures just made my wife go and grab my laptop and exclaim "AWWWW.....!!!")