So Saturday, I did nothing. Rest day. Sunday was a different story. Worked at Mom's. You know, fix the drawer, replace the bulb, landscaping, sprinkler repair.
As a reward, I bought some Rocky Road ice cream on the way home. Heard the song "I love Rock n Roll" by Joan Jet on the radio. Reminded me of the Weird Al song "I love Rocky Road". Mmmmm, ice cream.
o.k. I better lay down and watch the Simpsons. Take a shower. Aww man, I should do laundry too. That might not happen though.
Have a good week.
As a reward, I bought some Rocky Road ice cream on the way home. Heard the song "I love Rock n Roll" by Joan Jet on the radio. Reminded me of the Weird Al song "I love Rocky Road". Mmmmm, ice cream.

o.k. I better lay down and watch the Simpsons. Take a shower. Aww man, I should do laundry too. That might not happen though.
Have a good week.

Thank goodness that Bryers was buy one get one at the grocer's. Whew.
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