today, my birthday
i wake up to a guy delivering roofing supplies so they can finally fix our house from the hurricane
well delivery guy is told to put the supplies near to the front of the house....well we have a septic tank there, which he soon found out about
i try to go back to bed but hes yelling FUCK!!! so i went out and saw the little fork lift thing in our septic tank
well its out and now we have a big smelly hole in our froint yard and i cant go back to sleep because they are loading the roofing shit on the roof and its loud
so yeah
happy fucking birthday
im going downtown and getting wasted tonite
i wake up to a guy delivering roofing supplies so they can finally fix our house from the hurricane
well delivery guy is told to put the supplies near to the front of the house....well we have a septic tank there, which he soon found out about
i try to go back to bed but hes yelling FUCK!!! so i went out and saw the little fork lift thing in our septic tank
well its out and now we have a big smelly hole in our froint yard and i cant go back to sleep because they are loading the roofing shit on the roof and its loud
so yeah
happy fucking birthday
im going downtown and getting wasted tonite
Happy Birthday, Paul.
happy belated birthday!!! i'm finally back on!!! yay!!!