Today is my berfday! 22 of my friends and I took a party bus to the pirate dinner adventure. We drank 3 bottles of liquor before we got there and we nice a rowdy by the time we arrived. Toward the end of the show, for some reason, they got all 23 of us drunk assholes on the pirate ship to hoist some sail. Of...
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3 bottles in a half an hour....i think like 18 of us were actually drinking. i felt bad for the sober people
Oh, I totally get it now. All of your friends are 9 year old girls.
I posted this on Facebook and I thought I'd post it on here if there are still some people on here that I know in real life...
ok birthday in Friday Jan. 15...I'm going to get a big group of people to go out to a dinner theater on wednesday...but we have options... Medieval times will be $30 a ticket (normally like $60) but...
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ok birthday in Friday Jan. 15...I'm going to get a big group of people to go out to a dinner theater on wednesday...but we have options... Medieval times will be $30 a ticket (normally like $60) but...
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I went to bed too early and woke up too late...ugh
Now I'm up and cant get back to sleep and freezing my ass off with no heat in this house.
I guess this means naptime is in order later today.
I'm glad to be back on here.

Now I'm up and cant get back to sleep and freezing my ass off with no heat in this house.
I guess this means naptime is in order later today.
I'm glad to be back on here.

im baaccckkk
I love my friends... And they love me. I wouldn't have been able to get through the last few weeks without them.
i see naked ppl
Thursday is my birthday. I hope I'll have fun but I'm depressed about being alone right now. I recently had a break-up and it's killing me. I have a lot of great friends to keep me company but for some reason last night I couldn't get ahold of anyone. I felt so lonely. Then after going out to get dinner a friend calls and wants...
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My birthday is Thursday. I'm throwing a mustache party at Will's pub that night and you are all invited.
wish i could go. i would so wear a mustache.
i'm baaaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
welcome back!
im back to!! no shit!
It's a fucking crime capital.