Snow!!! I know it probably won't last past today, but still it ain't that bad, I got to have some fun it this morning, did a lil bit of sledding with my bros and now it feels like I broke my ass bone... The is the first time I got to play around in some winter weather in years. Plus classes were cancelled so that wasn't bad either.
More Blogs
Thursday Jan 18, 2007
So here's the deal with me: I'm applying to 4 different universiti… -
Thursday Jan 18, 2007
Snow!!! I know it probably won't last past today, but still it ain't… -
Monday Jan 15, 2007
So I'm taking this class that is primarily focused on the beat writer… -
Saturday Jan 13, 2007
One week from today and I'll be an old man...My B-Day is in week. Ho… -
Thursday Jan 11, 2007
So my week has gone pretty well...but I can't wait till the weekend, … -
Wednesday Jan 10, 2007
I must say that I really underestimated how tough it would be to take… -
Sunday Jan 07, 2007
I need a bigger room...I really need to find a new place to live. Cr… -
Thursday Jan 04, 2007
the Ghost set to record with Mike Dean of C.O.C the Ghost of Satur… -
Wednesday Jan 03, 2007
My last day of winter break, that went by way too fast. Back to the … -
Tuesday Jan 02, 2007
I'm attempting to quit smoking, and I got to say, I'm not sure that t…
My parents will finally come, I asked them, telling them that it's the only thing I want, no need for presents or shit , I just wanna spend a part of the day with them. We'll eat lunch together and they'll leave to go back home in the afternoon. In the evening, I'll see one of my best friend, probly drink some coffee, or hot chocolate, I still don,t know, something relax. I'm not a party person and since I don't really like my bday, i don't feel like doing something so special.
You're going to the strippers heeeeeeeeeeehhe haha. Bring me with you, it could be funny. Once I went there with my friends, they paid me a lap dance, that was funny haha.
You don't have to send me anything, if you really want to, I won't say no. I'd be a little shy and I'd thank you a lot
have a good evening
what do you plan on sending?
yeah I'm glad to see my parents, they'll be glad to I think. I saw them like a week ago, but after spending almost 3 weeks with them, I get used to see them, so I'll be happy.
Usually, sometimes I can spend monthes without seeing them. I really love them.
Have a good night