Just thought I would share a funny experience. Last night I witnessed a young "lady",and I use the term very loosly yelling shit at a couple guys she was pissed off at whom I assume must have been jewish. "I've been JEWED!" and "You fuckers wacked Jesus." were some of the funnier obscenities. I politly(just to try to get her more pissed) tried to explain...
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Just got my LCD monitor and it kicks ass! My computers are in the living room rigth now and it saves a shitload of much needed space.
I woke up after 2 hours sleep today, WTF. Yesterday I got 10 hrs and felt like hell all day. Lucky me I suppose. Later today I'm going out of town to visit my (little) brother and his...
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hey fucker. When did you get a tattoo? What is it? Put up a pic of it. I wanna see!
ok..fucker. hehe. I just saw it. cool. Whooo did it? You shoulda went to my friend Becky's (rememeber HER? I bet you never did call her, did ya? haha. I haven't talked to het 4ever n ever. Since we went & met her. eek!) "brother." I forget his name at the moment.

Mannn. I NEED a new tattooo sooo bad.
---HEYYY- have you ever found Ruby's # or address for me? God I need that bitch! I miss the fuck out of her. Did she send that tat drawing she made for me to you- way back when? I'm going on a search for her. Damn, she should be here- SG. She is like the embodiment of a suicidegirl, god she fuckin' rawkss.

Yeahhh I need a tattoo baddllyy. I'm jonesing for one. W/this shit job I have i can't get anything at the moment (ahem...See my wishlist. haha) Anywhooo- talk at yee later. ciao! miao!!
Had the experience of a lifetime an hour ago. I went to a John Kerry public appearence. One thing I learned is that secret service agents have no sence of humor at all! Helicopters were in the air constantly and one of the secret service guys took a personal interest in me. Don't know why, I showed up late alone looking weird(as usual) and they...
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Life is short, life is shit, and then you're dead. Not really, but that is one of my favorite movie quotes.
My neice just turned two, fuck I'm getting old.
Interesting things that have happened latly- an employee pissed me off (long ass story) so I smashed their camera phone into tiny little pieces with a brick in front of them.Then dared them to do...
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if you haven't joined yet... SG Columbus in da house... go join...