@missy @bloghomework @rambo
My first tattoo in a tattoo Shop was this cute pig on my arm !!
I did because i love animas, on the time i was like some years vegetarian, and her face is like mine. Hahah my mom says I have pig nose.
This day was fun because i was so excited about! My dad go with me and he had to write in a paper for i can do the tattoo, and he was so mad. Hahahaahhaa he hates tattoo in the time. (but he love the site and the photos i make. He aproves and says if im happy and like, thats ok. But now he is ok and have tattoos too hahaa)
But continue! Hahaha (is not about my dad right? 😂) SO!
I was happy and i was looking everthing, and guess what? Now im a tattoo artist! And is so fun do something that the people will bring for all the life! The person have to trust on you. And thid is awesome! I love my job 💓
Good day for you! Lots of love and tattoos!!
The photo is from my set shot by @kasha and this set will go in mr in 3 weeks !