Dos 3 sets que fiz ate agora pro SG, com certeza meu primeiro foi super especial. Primeiro porque foi fotografado pela @kasha que eu conheci com 16 anos e esperei pra poder ser maior e poder fotografar, eu viajei ate são paulo com a minha irmã e tive a sorte de não pagar nenhuma passagem nem de ida e volta porque a meses atras tinba ganho um sorteio e sabia que as passagens seriam usadas em algo importante! A viagem com a minha irmâ foi demais! Conheci meninas que falo ate hoje na shot, e me senti muito confortavel e animada no ensaio, eu sabia que era aquilo que eu queria e por isso valeu a pena esperar!
Melhor ainda, nosso primeiro set foi comprado, eu chorei quando vi a mensagem de set of the day (Sim!!!) um dos meus sonhos tinha se realizado! Virei oficialmente SG com nosso set debut 💜 gratidao @missy e @rambo e @kasha por fazer isso real e a todos que votaram 💜 e espero pdoer viajar muito mais e conhecer todas sg que me inspiram!
Of the three sets I did for SG , certainly my first was super special. First because it was photographed by @kasha I meet her when i was 16 years and hoped to be able to be bigger and able to photograph , I traveled up to sao paulo with my sister and I was lucky not to pay any ticket plain or round trip because months ago I had win a some points work send emails (i dont know how say in inglish) and knew that the tickets would be used for something important ! The trip with my sister was too ! I meet girls who speak up today in the shot , and I felt very comfortable and lively in the shot , I knew it was what I wanted and it was worth the wait !
Better yet, our first set was purchased , I cried when I saw the message set of the day (yes !!!) one of my dreams had come true ! I turned officially SG with our set debut 💜 gratitude @missy and @rambo and @kasha to make it real and to everyone who voted !! Every day I feel happy to be a SG and hope can met more girls Sg that im inspire !