It's been to long little love bugs. I've been so extremely busy getting a life long dream of mine together. Props to you if you can remember it. The last few month I've been pushing myself to limits I hid away from for so long. I reactived the girl I once knew and the girl I became into one super kick ass woman. I've been moving like a train without an engineer, fast and wild and at increasingly scary speeds. It's become so incredibly worth it though. I'm so close to where I want to be my heart can't stop smiling. I've really missed each of you and suicide girls as a whole. Hopefully we'll be putting together a new set soon. I've explored new places and my love for the clouds only continues to grow. You never understand your true love for a place until you have to leave it. Alaskas mountains made my soul feel alive, these Texan skies give me something to look forward to. Living day by day makes everything move so quickly. Soon enough I'll be moving on and telling you a whole different story about a place that seems ordinary but when you peel back layers becomes extraordinary. My hair is growing so quickly it's as if the gods demand me to have long hair and yes I am growing it out. I can't wait to get back to hiking and camping and bike trips. Meeting some of you along the way. I love this life I've chosen but we'll get more into that later. What's important is that I've missed you and it feels good to be home.
With love