Last night I went to see Har Mar Superstar at the Rescue Rooms in Nottingham!! It was soooooooooooooooooo good, he was on top form! Spent a good couple of songs dancing on the bar and running round the crowd, I was stood upstairs on a balcony so I was chuffed cos I got to see everything usually at gigs I can't see a fucking thing cos I'm too much of a shorty. BUT der der DDDDEEEERRRR I forgot to talk my digi cam, could of got some amzing shots!! Speccially when eagles of death metal were playing, har mar kept walking past us going to the bar and stuff and stopped for some photos with other ppl - GUTTED ..... But I did get some super cool Har Mar Superstar knickers!!! they're MAZINGGGGG will have to post a pic!!! ok i'm rambling gonna go get ready to go to town do some summer hols shopping and get my hair bleached to DEATH!!!!!!! at the hairdressers WHOOP WHOOP cant wait

always curious what people think of anything i draw...
i always think it's shite!
sketch books are the best though... i love seeing the process of a drawing vs. the final drawing itself!