heyhey, so ive been neglecting SG a bit recently!! Ive been really busy/ lazy dunno what ive been doing really oh well. Ive got some pics tho that kida show what ive been up to!!
I found a very smily froggy
Then I found a newt!!!
And then a christmas tree got burnt down!!! It was a mighty blaze!!!!
So you see i have been up to alot of outdoor activities, getting back to nature and all that. Anyway ive bored everyone enough
see yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I found a very smily froggy

Then I found a newt!!!

And then a christmas tree got burnt down!!! It was a mighty blaze!!!!
So you see i have been up to alot of outdoor activities, getting back to nature and all that. Anyway ive bored everyone enough
see yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

wow, toads and fire!!! best journal ever.