so i;m back.... its half past three in the morning and im drunk... hence entering my card details and coming back online...... but im happy to be back so hey... its all good!!!!!
Well still no internet and now my computer is broke too!! I am really hacked off, I am such an internet geek and I am having serious withdrawl... I just want to get it fixed but I have absolutely no money to fix it!!! Ah well!! On the upside I passed my essay and can go back to uni!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!
Hello! Ive been offline for a fucking ages! How you doing? Why you got no internet? How am i expecting you to answer this when you have no internet? You'll ave to track down my house and answer in person.
I have a white door.
Today I am insanely bored!!! And there is lots of dust up my nose it is making me sneeeeeeeze....
My whole bedroom is packed up now, I feel abit sad...
well i'm off home for three weeks so doubt i will be able to update really. But whne I get back I will have many stories about that magical place that is up YORKSHIRE!!!!! Whoop whoo, see you all soon!!! xxxx
Woo! Yorkshire!
Is Hull in Yorkshire? if it is, I wish I was there... a certain guy friend's gone home for summer and has admited he fancies me! woop! woop!
ok so i'm sooo drunk too drunk to update really!!! but i am sure i will take hours of my time editing this entry until it is all spelt right. i am just like that. Anyway i reckon the old angel in nottingham is ace, but that asides!!! I have a master plan, i am going home soon to see all my friends cos i... Read More
I have officially done nothing since I got back off my holiday and I am definately not looking forward to going back to work now. Why can't jobs be fun, I'm sure some are but there just isn't enough fun ones to go round. I ordered some pre made dreads today which I am gonna try and braid into my hair so hopefully it will... Read More
Im never on the internet these days. IM to lazy to move towards a computer. Its disgraceful. Looking forward to seeing pics of ya MASSIVE hair. It had better be MASSIVE damn you.
Well it's absolutely pissing it down!! I just got back from my hols last night and was hoping for a scorcher of a day to upack and generally laze around but nope pissing boring rain so now I'm stuck inside suffering the likes of songs of praise!!
RUBBISH!! Anyway my holiday was great tho and thats all that counts took about a million photos so... Read More
dude! whiteasnds rocks! great surfing beach! we stay at the campsite right by the beach! where due stay?
was it real busy?
i wana make it down before i go away to college but its always shit busy in summer! and the cafe! oh so great!
I actually rented a cottage in ST davids, the beach wasn't too busy cos schools hadn't broke upyet. There wasn't much surf tho, just one good evening really! The cafe is mega!! They open til 9pm now at weekends and make like full homecooked meals!! Just what you need when you come out of the sea!!!
oooh I am nursing one hell of a hangover today, had some drinks last night called japenese iced tea whic were a concoction of gin and vodka and midori and they were yummy but lethal, i staggered home and passed out pretty much as soon as i got in the house!!! and now my head hurts very much indeed
Last night I went to see Har Mar Superstar at the Rescue Rooms in Nottingham!! It was soooooooooooooooooo good, he was on top form! Spent a good couple of songs dancing on the bar and running round the crowd, I was stood upstairs on a balcony so I was chuffed cos I got to see everything usually at gigs I can't see a fucking thing... Read More