Oy. I'm finally sober. I've pretty much been drunk since Comic Con and Clobberknocking on Saturday. To those of you SGNYers who missed it, shame on you! It was a pretty good time and man was it a good looking group of people!
It was good seeing zoomusikgrl,BigPoppa99 and persya and it was definitely nice to meet some new peeps like mellythepirate and derceto. I'm glad everyone that could make it, did. it was a good time. It was soo much fun I haven't stopped drinking since andi'm pretty sure i've been sober all of 20 minutes since saturday...
and now my fucking head really hurts and i haven't had a voice since sunday, haha.
Anyone have any tylenol? Advil? Morphine?
I need to go lay back down.

It was good seeing zoomusikgrl,BigPoppa99 and persya and it was definitely nice to meet some new peeps like mellythepirate and derceto. I'm glad everyone that could make it, did. it was a good time. It was soo much fun I haven't stopped drinking since andi'm pretty sure i've been sober all of 20 minutes since saturday...
and now my fucking head really hurts and i haven't had a voice since sunday, haha.
Anyone have any tylenol? Advil? Morphine?
I need to go lay back down.


dude where have you been all my life? haven't seen you in awhile.
you coming out tomorrow?