Long night at work puke . But on the bright side, I did manage to pick up The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (the complete series) for 20 some odd dollers!!! biggrin Hail to the king, baby. Now to try and stay awake and watch as many episodes as I can.
I finally got around to seeing Star Trek tonight, and it was amazing. First of all there was only about 15 people including myself in the theatre, so that was a blessing. I just really liked the way they did the script,

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

alternate time-line

and the casting was amazing as well. Eric Bana was a great villain. And my two favorite...
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dont like star wars, i dont know why... even.. i never see it tongue
I am so sad to hear about Michael Jackson's passing. I remember so many performances both live, and on these things called music videos that used to come on a channel called MTV. R.I.P. Michael. frown

biggrin This is one of my favorites from the King of Pop biggrin
lol welcome to the recently reliscensed club... feels good dudinit?
congrats on being in the drive club again biggrin
Today has started off kinda boring. Slept 'till about 11 this morning, then got up to go to the revenue office to turn in my certificate saying I passed the Drug and Alcohol Safety Educational Program, which was the result of a DWI I received last year (12/18/08), only to find out that the person I needed to see was away to lunch mad . I...
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oh baby i hope your week is better

sorry my english
kiss kiss kiss kiss
Update (said like Robert Stack from Unsolved Mysteries) Just got back home from getting the run-around again today @ the revenue office, but in a much better mood....everything is taken care of except the $150 reinstatement fee , which I'll take care of on pay-day and I will have my license back (hell hath frozen over). EL SUICIDO LOCO biggrin EL SUICIDO LOCO
Boring day at work today......... frown , but that shit's over now. Luckily I'm back at home with the inter-web and a fat stack of Star Wars graphic novels to occupy my time.

For all my fellow wrestling super-fans out there! biggrin
Been watching these on Marvel's site today........this is hilarious! It's like Spiderman and Power Rangers had a baby!

Japanese Spiderman 01
Japanese Spiderman 02
Japenese Spiderman 03
Japanese Spiderman 04
I think that's an awesome combo haha. Spider-man's cool, but Power Rangers will have a come back soon...watch! They'll have their big screen time in the near future with a rad cast, kick ass monsters (typical updated Godzilla types) & heroic story line.

Oh that will be glorious >:]
kiss kiss kiss !!!
Damn what a shitty day......two hours of sleep and back at work by 6am. Then, I had spent the day at the hospital with my mom. Aparently, she went to the emergency room last night because she was having chest pains, and nobody thought to tell me a fucking thing until I was practically at work this morning.......WTF. Hopefully the doctors will have some insight...
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I hope everything turns out ok
The doctors told her today that her heart was okay, but they still don't know why she keeps getting dizzy and almost passing out. I'm glad her heart is fine, but it sucks not knowing what is wrong.