So, last Monday while forced to work the midnight release for God of War 3, which nobody showed up to purchase, I was thrilled to notice on the cart full of new releases, that were being stocked at midnight, that there was 1 copy of Suicide Girls Guide to Living on Blu Ray and 1 copy on I purchased the Blu Ray copy before that mother fucker before anyone else got the chance to beat me to it. And thank the fuck christ that there are two Blu Ray players in this house, because one of them can't read the disk for some reason.
Also, looking forward to getting the tax return because I have a lot of shit I ordered at work coming in....MST3K Vol. 17, Zardoz, The Crazies (original), and Season 3 of Voyager. Fuck, I love being a nerd! Also, need the tax money to get an external hard drive, because my iTunes music is taking up way too much room on my computer....I have less than 15gb of space left on the hard's re-goddamned-diculous. End.

Awww that sucks. I got mine just on regular dvd
i work at gamestop and we had like 6 people for the god of war midnight release.