Home from work......upon leaving tonight, I went to my truck to find....RELIGIOUS PROPAGANDA on the windshield. Yea!!!! Just what I wanted, something to throw away. Why do the bible-pushers insist on hitting up my home and workplace. I don't take pamphlets to their church advertising sleeping until 2pm. But enough about the church nazi's hunting me down. Occasionally working in retail has it's perks.....last night I got some sweet deals on some SUPER-NERDY tv shows at an awesome price. Seasons 3 & 4 of Supernatural (blu ray), Season 2 of Heroes (blu ray), Star Trek (2009) (blu ray), Season 1 of Enterprise & Voyager, and spent less than $190. Midnight release sales kick-ass sometimes! Talk about a nerdgasm!
Well enough about my nerdicidal tendencies.
-The Dude Abides-
-The Dude Abides-