Haven't been on-line in a while due to my psychotic (spelling?) obsession with Resident Evil 5. I'm getting a little moist just typing it.
But seriously it's an awesome game, if anyone's curious. Just watched Synecdoche, New York, finally, last night. I loved this movie. Charlie Kaufman is a wonderful writer. There is a lot going on in this movie, and I can't wait to watch it a couple more times to see things that I didn't notice the first time. Blah, blah, blah.....ramble, ramble...shit. Well, (stretches arms and looks at watchless-wrist) I need to be getting back to Resident Evil 5 and season 2 of 30 Rock........so..........yeah.
For your listening pleasure, should you choose to click.
Children of Bodom - 6 Pounder

For your listening pleasure, should you choose to click.

i heard the ending sucks for that game. sorry.
I need more Resident Evil in my life...