Quite often, people tell me that they never hear from me. Yet, when I attempt to communicate with them, they respond in three or four word sentences, that give the impression that they could care less about talking to me. After a few rounds of this and my attempts to say something witty or just silly to salvage the conversation, it starts to feel like...
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I just got back on here! They gave me a free trial membership so woo! Oh that and I sent you a message! :)
Not too much going on, lately. Finally replaced the xbox, so I'm no longer going through withdrawls from gaming. Evil Dead comes out tomorrow, plus Gwar and Airbourne have shows in Little Rock this month. I need a lot more money than what I have for the shit I want to do this month. Not to mention I need to renew my xbox live membership,...
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Thanks for the input
Had the day off today. Attempted to buy a used Xbox to replace the mine since it decided to Red Ring on me, yet again. Unfortunately we sold out of used systems at work. Ahh! Oh well, King of the Nerds, beer, and Netflix will have to occupy the rest of my evening instead.
The e-mail about the discounted subscription convinced me that I had enough money to throw down on reactivating my account. Yay! Haven't been on the site in a long time. Hope everyone is doing well.

Never on here much at all, anymore. Went to put flowers on my father's grave with my mom, sister, and my nephew today. Yesterday was the 8 year anniversary of when he took his life. It's still not any easier, but I no longer hold onto any feelings of anger about it. I wish it hadn't happened, but in a way I completely understand and...
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Miss you. Take care.
I never get on here anymore...never really get on the interwebs much anymore, really. Not a lot going on, lately. Got to see mc chris for the first time about a month or two ago. The show was a blast. Can't wait to see that guy again. Just heard that the Red Hot Chili Peppers will be in Memphis in Feb. Definately going to catch...
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Skyrim.....that is all I've be doing lately.
Me too. Well, Ive taken breaks to play black ops but mostly skyrim. THE QUESTS NEVER END!
Sounds pretty fun, actually 

Never on here anymore...account is good through August of next year. Went ahead and canceled it after that. May or may not uncancel it. I guess it just depends if I start logging on or not.
Haven't been on the site in a while, over a month. Things have been kind of shitty lately. Been stuck in this weird dark funk, but trying not to let that bother me anymore. Looking forward and trying to stay positive. Well.....yep, that's about it. =0)