Crazy Beautiful!
I just saw Mika on monday and it made me soooo happy.
He his just insane. I think he had a great time.
He sold sooo many records in Quebec, he was all proud and cute.
It's my sister's birthday and my mom's this week.
My sister wants this huge sweet 16 party thing and I'm so scared she'll be disapointed.
She has this whole Marie Antoinette fantasy with the cakes and shoes (hopefully she didn't see they are all on heavy drugs)
I bought decorations and I'm ordering customized cup cakes. Plus, I'm giving her Spice Girls tickets so hopefully, she'll be happy!

cuttie cuttie
Woooo I want to see the Spice Girls. How much did you pay the tickets, if it's not too personal?
I would'nt seriously buy it for myself I guess it's really expensive, but I loved the Spice Girls so much when I was a kid, when Ginger Spice quit the band my whole life was destroyed!