well, that's it. i catch the train in a matter of hours and finally move west. i can't wait to out in portland. i plan to take a little time off before starting work again to see around a bit. i never stay anywhere too long it seems and that is fine with me. i would hate to be stagnant. life changes and i willingly...
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have a safe trip!!!!

well, five days left of work.ten days left in stl. and then...who knows. west i go again.
heh, had a Jack and Diet, you missed one saaaaa-weeeet show

well today i'm going to take my boss out to see the town before i split, so he has some way of later entertaining himself. he really hasn't been out since his move here from ALT. so i'm off to sling some stones, hit a couple museums, and eat at charley trotter's. it is going to be a very good day! now, it's time for...
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oooh. nice day.
i get to go and see a sneak preview of some girlie movie with the chick from Muriel's Wedding, and cameron diaz.
yesh, it's free... but I think we both know who'se going to have the better day.
i get to go and see a sneak preview of some girlie movie with the chick from Muriel's Wedding, and cameron diaz.
yesh, it's free... but I think we both know who'se going to have the better day.

well, my last day of work is october 20th...so, my first day of freedom is october 21. i plan to hit denver and run into some old friends. then on to portland. i plan to do some camping the first week out there along the coast then up to seattle for a minute...the sky's the limit.
That's right along I-70, which is how I get there anyway, so not a problem.
i just found out my roommates up in portland have decided to change apartments so i'm not sure now where i will be living when i get up there. i still leaving town though; i hate it here! i'm taking the train out, three days watching the country side go by. i can't wait.
If I don't hear anything the week prior, I'll plan on driving myself.
well everything is set to go to PDX. i am just missing a job there, but i have not even started on that task. the apartment is in order. my to do list has begun, and i gave notice at work. the exec. chef almost begged me not to leave yet didn't bother to offer me any insentive to stay so i leave.
i can't...
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i can't...
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thanks for the comment on my set. so you're moving? you better check out a slaughter at creepy before you leave.
hmmm... no connections up in portland....
i prepped everything for 400 servings of ratatouille today... and it feels like my arm is going to fall off... plus my lower back is screaming out in pain...
AND my foot is looking gimp-ish (again...)
As much as I love this shit... I haven't been in the kitchen long enough to be requiring daily pain-killers.
me thinks i have to return to the computer field and leave cooking as a hobby again.
i prepped everything for 400 servings of ratatouille today... and it feels like my arm is going to fall off... plus my lower back is screaming out in pain...
AND my foot is looking gimp-ish (again...)
As much as I love this shit... I haven't been in the kitchen long enough to be requiring daily pain-killers.

me thinks i have to return to the computer field and leave cooking as a hobby again.
man, i'm gettin' out of this state as quickly as i can! first the stat tells me they screwed up and they're giving me my licence back, and now today they send me two different letters one saying they are revaocking my licence for a year and another saying they're taking it for five years! fuck this state! fuck MISSOURI! i'm out!
have you ever noticed, that everyone on the planet is just not as smart as you are? but, have you also noticed that everybody else believes they are the smarts person around? unless confronted everyone tends to forget just how at fault they really are.
when i drive i don't rage although i do curse everyone around me.
"lady, figure it out!"
"dude, get off...
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when i drive i don't rage although i do curse everyone around me.
"lady, figure it out!"
"dude, get off...
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today is a good day. just pickedup some new music. my dad made it home safe from his little excression down south before the whole bad weather/flooding business. and missouri desided to send me my license back since they had no right to take it. i wasn't drunk and fell asleep before i hit those trees. i'm tellin' ya. and to top it off i...
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i have got to get out of this town.
alright, i'm not one for all that "love" n'shit, but it seems i've caught myself walking away with the idoit grin everytime i talk to this girl.
bad she has a man.
bad she is one of my employees.
bad she has a man.
bad she is lazy.
bad she has a man.
bad she is a flirt.
bad she has a man.
bad her...
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bad she has a man.
bad she is one of my employees.
bad she has a man.
bad she is lazy.
bad she has a man.
bad she is a flirt.
bad she has a man.
bad her...
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never mix work with pleasure,
girls in relationships who flirt with other guys know what they are doing!
its a turn on for them,
bloody teases, g'luck.
girls in relationships who flirt with other guys know what they are doing!
its a turn on for them,
bloody teases, g'luck.
white. it's virginal.
just focus on how lazy she is... and hopefully it'll make that smile go away?
Or you could just "bump" into her in dry-storage a few times... after-hours... and see what happens?
I mean, he's a wuss, right?

just focus on how lazy she is... and hopefully it'll make that smile go away?

Or you could just "bump" into her in dry-storage a few times... after-hours... and see what happens?
I mean, he's a wuss, right?

well since i have the day off and have been working insane hours again i think i'll go golfin' today. it's nice and overcast with breeze. i have been meaning to get out there for several days now. and since i need a new disc why not.
i went to 1111mississippi for lunch. it was good, but not as impressive as the write ups make...
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i went to 1111mississippi for lunch. it was good, but not as impressive as the write ups make...
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fuckwad is a little harsh isnt it? you people gotta know i say it out of the kindness of my heart. for reals.
ive always wanted to commend you on your profile picture. definitely 2 thumbs up.
ive always wanted to commend you on your profile picture. definitely 2 thumbs up.