Only 6 more days to San Francisco! I'm so excited about the trip! I've been so stressed out and tired lately, it's just been completely crazy. I'm behind on like absolutely everything and I can't seem to get anything done. Ugh. I dunno, maybe a vacation will help me get everything back on track.
On the positive side had a busy weekend.. I spent friday night writing a paper and then roleplaying online.. been way too long since I've been roleplaying, was much fun.
Saturday was the Crowbar, which was OK and then Sunday was Fisher and Boy's B-Day Bash.. also a good time. So good stuff heading back off into the week.
On the positive side had a busy weekend.. I spent friday night writing a paper and then roleplaying online.. been way too long since I've been roleplaying, was much fun.
Saturday was the Crowbar, which was OK and then Sunday was Fisher and Boy's B-Day Bash.. also a good time. So good stuff heading back off into the week.