So the most recent news...
Work has been a pain in the butt, had another employee quit.. this is the third one this year, you'd think that I was torturing these people or something. Very frustrating to me. Been swimming, hanging out, xmas shopping. Nothing too major. Saw Stranger that Fiction last week, saw Saw 3 this week at the drive in but the battery died, the screen sucked and I didn't really see and hear much of the movie at the same time, so that sucked but what can you do right? Getting ready to go away for Thanksgiving. So yeah.. that's about the long and the short of things.
Work has been a pain in the butt, had another employee quit.. this is the third one this year, you'd think that I was torturing these people or something. Very frustrating to me. Been swimming, hanging out, xmas shopping. Nothing too major. Saw Stranger that Fiction last week, saw Saw 3 this week at the drive in but the battery died, the screen sucked and I didn't really see and hear much of the movie at the same time, so that sucked but what can you do right? Getting ready to go away for Thanksgiving. So yeah.. that's about the long and the short of things.
Oh, I'm sorry, I meant to say "the torture they think you're committing by insisting you say, show up for work".
I'd say something cheerful like "hang in there" but since I had two employees crash into the back of a school bus this morning (I mean, how the fuck do you miss seeing a school bus to the point where you total your car under it???) I am feeling your pain right there with you.