Ha! I missed a day! I CAN survive. Okay.. really I was just too fucking tired and fed up to write anything. My union calls me back and says "umm gee, this won't be an easy situation to deal with, we need you to do these 5 fucking thousand other things first." Grrr! So I was mopey. I watched tv, ate raspberries (I know it's weird, but expensive fruit is a comfort food to me...) and sat around and glowered at the world.
Today.. more of the same. Got the five fucking thousand things done, tried not to get too irritated, realized that I don't know where my life is going at all as I have no idea where I'll be working in the next 6 weeks, where I'll be living in the next 6 months, amongst half a dozen other things. I'm soooo over everything right now. On the plus side i closed an old bank account and i had some money left, and so go me, spending money! So I went to Victoria's Secret and spent too much for the miniscule amount of clothing it is, but it's all good. Well, I had better make some supper, I'm starving to death. Hope your weeks are going better than mine!
Today.. more of the same. Got the five fucking thousand things done, tried not to get too irritated, realized that I don't know where my life is going at all as I have no idea where I'll be working in the next 6 weeks, where I'll be living in the next 6 months, amongst half a dozen other things. I'm soooo over everything right now. On the plus side i closed an old bank account and i had some money left, and so go me, spending money! So I went to Victoria's Secret and spent too much for the miniscule amount of clothing it is, but it's all good. Well, I had better make some supper, I'm starving to death. Hope your weeks are going better than mine!
Victoria's Secret= my weakness. Hope you got some cute stuff!