Okay.. so I'm not even going to get into how gross my day was. All I need to say is UCK! If you work in any profession dealing with people with severe developmental delays, alzheimers, mental impairments, you'll understand just how icky UCK can mean. Enough said. I'll move on with my life lol.
So, havn't done much the past couple days. Sat around.. had a splitting headache the one day but it's been getting better. Watched alot of tv, ate some.. life was pretty good that way.
Tim called and sounded blue.. thought I'd cheer him up a little and hung a big banner on the window for when he got home... and ordered pizza. Pizza of course will be the true cheerer uper (we all know the way to a man's heart is through his stomach right? I used to be a cook and so far it's worked for me! Mind you someone once made a very good argument about an ice pick being faster....)
So, havn't done much the past couple days. Sat around.. had a splitting headache the one day but it's been getting better. Watched alot of tv, ate some.. life was pretty good that way.
Tim called and sounded blue.. thought I'd cheer him up a little and hung a big banner on the window for when he got home... and ordered pizza. Pizza of course will be the true cheerer uper (we all know the way to a man's heart is through his stomach right? I used to be a cook and so far it's worked for me! Mind you someone once made a very good argument about an ice pick being faster....)