As promised, my first installment of photos from time spent abroad in 2003. Much of my recreational travel had something to do with the beautiful Vincent van Gogh. While I found the museum dedicated to him in Amsterdam to be pathetically lacking and uninspired, I thoroughly enjoyed the off-season visit to his last home, Auvers-sur-Oise, near Paris. A quaint, friendly little town... the place he chose to remain.
the church of Auvers
the wheatfield, in winter, which he painted with ominous crows not long before he walked into it and shot himself
the bed of ivy Vincent shares next to his biggest fan and the buyer of the only painting he sold in his lifetime: his brother, Theo
the church of Auvers
the wheatfield, in winter, which he painted with ominous crows not long before he walked into it and shot himself
the bed of ivy Vincent shares next to his biggest fan and the buyer of the only painting he sold in his lifetime: his brother, Theo
ooo mojave 3 has worked its way into my heart now - thats for that tip
You and the man, cabin by a lake or the sea.
The book, various sustanence, and a padlock for the door.