I just came across an old journal entry about my reactions to starting the book, Lolita. I had already seen the '97 movie, which I loved and loved and loved, and I was anxious to see if the book digested as easily as the film.
"I imagine myself calling this my new favorite writer - though I have only read one passage of his work - and I may only love him for this beautiful affliction of a book. A nervous and slender grove of trees! The most sensual movie I have ever seen came from the most sumptuous book whose cover I have ever creased. Upon finishing these opening chapters, I immediately had to make creamy hot chocolate just to feel it smooth across my tongue and down my throat..."
In answer to my expectations: deliriously empassioned prose.
I just came across an old journal entry about my reactions to starting the book, Lolita. I had already seen the '97 movie, which I loved and loved and loved, and I was anxious to see if the book digested as easily as the film.
"I imagine myself calling this my new favorite writer - though I have only read one passage of his work - and I may only love him for this beautiful affliction of a book. A nervous and slender grove of trees! The most sensual movie I have ever seen came from the most sumptuous book whose cover I have ever creased. Upon finishing these opening chapters, I immediately had to make creamy hot chocolate just to feel it smooth across my tongue and down my throat..."
In answer to my expectations: deliriously empassioned prose.
I guess whichever you see first probably has a lot to do with it as well, so I'm not offended. I like disagreeing with people, especially if we get to discuss it. Next time I come across the '97 version I might watch it again and with a less critical eye.
But really, you shloud try watching old movies more - you're missing out on so much!
Thanks for being honest (and for giving Mr. Petty the respect he's due -
after Phish?)!